Thursday, March 26, 2015

#TBT Martin

I'm sitting here watching re-runs of Martin with the kids, and one of the last episodes of the series is on- where both Martin & Gina find out they've both been offered jobs in L.A. And even though the kids are laughing hysterically, for me, that last season of Martin just wasn't the same. The jokes weren't as funny, and even before I read about the off-screen feuding between Martin and Gina, I could tell when I watched this show waayyyy back in the 90's as a teenager, that the dynamic of the show had changed.

Now, just in case you're around my age, but somehow missed the news, or you're younger and you were kid back when this show actually aired Thursday nights on Fox, let me spill the tea. See, Martin & Gina weren't as lovey-dovey as they seem on camera. Well, let me take that back, they actually were (allegedly). Word on the street is, Martin and Tisha Campbell (Gina) had a love thang going on, both on and off screen. I've gotten a little up in age and my mind isn't as sharp as it used to be, but I distinctly remember reading somewhere back in the day, after Martin and Tisha did House Party together, that he took such a liking to her, he said if he ever got his own show, he wanted her to play his girlfriend. His wish obviously came true, and the gift that we now know as Martin was given to us in 1992. We couldn't wait to see Martin and Gina arguing about something or another, Martin and Pam fighting and making wisecracks at each other, Martin throwing people out, or him as one of the many characters he portrayed (Sheneneh, his crazy ass Mama Payne, Mr. Otis, Jerome, and the little snot-nosed kid) and who can forget Bruh' Man (upstairs, fif' floor) And while most of us secretly wished that we'd one day have a relationship that mimicked Martin & Gina's, apparently their chemistry was just as strong offset, because Tisha wasn't just his boo on the show. (Allegedly) they were getting their freak on in real life too, but in an unusual turn of events, Tisha was only in it for the sex, while poor Martin was really in love with her. And we should all know by now that there is absolutely NOTHING like a man scorned. An angry woman has nothing on a man who's ego has been bruised. So (allegedly) after Tisha kicked him to the curb and began dating (and eventually married) Duane Martin, ol' Marty Mart saw red, and he started trippin'!!! 

According to his Martin co-star, Carl Anthony Payne II (affectionately known as his homie, Cole Brown), after Tisha hooked up with Duane, "Martin made her life hell on the set." Things got so bad, that Tisha did an interview with Sister 2 Sister magazine, complaining about him and his behavior towards her on the set. Then, I remember reading somewhere back then, where she said there were times where they'd be doing a scene where they were to "act" like they were kissing, but Martin would really be trying to slip her the tongue- like for real, for real. It was also said (allegedly) that they did a few bedroom scenes and Martin would be all, er, aroused when he climbed on top of her, making her really uncomfortable. I also read things about Martin feeling himself a little too much, and he was (allegedly) doing drugs, making the set uncomfortable for his other co-stars as well.

All I know is, somewhere along the way, Tisha/Gina finally had enough, and she filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against the producers of the show. Like I said, I remember watching back in the 90's and thinking to myself, "Why are Martin & Gina never in any scenes together anymore?" It was always, they were yelling to each other from separate rooms, or 'talking' on the phone, or other instances, like the Thin Line Between Love & Hate episode, where they all went on the cruise, but Gina somehow got left behind. I knew something was up, and it wasn't too long after that, that the truth came out. Tisha agreed to film the remainder of the 5th season, but only under the condition that she and Martin didn't film any scenes together. Those last few episodes were the beginning of the end of a great series, although like I stated above, the last season wasn't as funny as we knew the show to be. I guess with all that was happening behind the scenes, Martin Payne, really became a pain for Tisha to deal with. Now, it was also said that Tisha Campbell had a similar freaky-deaky situation going on (allegedly) with Damon Wayans, when she was on My Wife & Kids with him, so who knows if all of her allegations against Martin are true or not. Whatever the case, Martin just wasn't the same that last season, and that was a sad situation, because it was one of many shows from the 90's that made my teen years so worthwhile. There was nothing like watching Martin, Living Single, and New York Undercover on Thursday nights, then getting to school on Friday morning and recapping them with our friends. And subpar last season or not, I thank God for DirecTv and the re-runs that are played on several channels everyday, allowing me to re-live my glorious teen years, if only for an hour or so. 

Disclaimer: Yes, I know this story is old as dirt, but that's what #ThrowbackThursday is for, to sit and reminisce about the good old days, and this show definitely will go in my time capsule of my favorite things from the 90's. Okay, I've spilled my share of tea for the day, back to watching Martin.  

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