I was scrolling through my Facebook timeline and came across the story that Kimora Lee Simmons just welcomed a baby boy with her hubby Tim Leissner. The thought that immediately went through my mind was, doesn't this make her fourth child...with 3 different men? Now, before some of you get your panties in a bunch, I'm not judging Ms. Kimora at all. I have two beautiful children from two different relationships myself, so more power to her. She's grown, she was married to her children's father's at some point, and if she's happy, that's all that matters. However, four kids by three different men, regardless of whether she was married to the men or not, isn't a good look. It certainly wouldn't be a good look if Kimora was Kisha from the hood, so why the double standard?
I decided to read a few of the comments because I was bored and had nothing else to do, and quite a few people shared my thoughts. But then I came across one commenter who said that, "People are acting like having 3 baby daddies is the end of the world. In Kimora's case, it's okay because these are wealthy people who have millions of dollars to take care of the kids, so there's nothing wrong with it? There are regular chicks who have children by different men who can't even get money for diapers from them." HUH? So, it's okay for celebrities to play musical beds, but if an ordinary girl, who may also have money to take care of her children was in the same situation, she'd be called every THOT, whore, slut, and every other degrading name there is for women who have multiple children by different men. The comments on that thread were quite entertaining, with one commenter saying, "It makes no difference if you're on welfare with 3 baby daddies, or if you're a millionaire, a hoe is a hoe!" while others agreed that, because she was actually married to these wealthy men when she had her children, that made her situation different.
But why is her situation different? Because she's famous? Yes, she may have been married to all of the men, but having three ex-husband's isn't something to brag about either. Honestly, that kind of suggests that Kimora may be the one with the ticky ticky, boom boom behavior, and the men aren't necessarily the problem. Which means that she has some personal issues within herself that won't get solved by her jumping from man to man. IJS!
Anyhoo, Kimora Lee- who even though married to Leissner, still goes by the last name of her first and most famous ex-husband, Russell Simmons- seems to be happy, and I'm happy for her. But, she's a celebrity and her business is put out there for people to speak on it, so... In the famous words of Kanye, "I ain't saying she's a gold digger, but she ain't messin' with no broke______!" I ain't mad at her though; she knows how to sniff out a rich man and work her magic on them. Having a kid by every man she dates, guarantees that she'll never have to worry about her pocketbook being empty. But, what is this teaching her 15 and 12 year old daughters?That it's okay to hop from man to man and/or have kids by every guy they get involved with, as long as he's rich?
Like I said earlier, if she wasn't a celebrity and was instead, Nae Nae from around the way, would those defending Kimora still feel the same way? I'd bet my next paycheck- okay maybe not the whole paycheck, because I got bills- but I'd bet a few dollars the answer would be, no! Anyway, congrats Kimora and Tim on the birth of baby, Wolfe Lee. I will say this, she picks the right men to make babies with, her children are beautiful.
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