Saturday, August 1, 2015

People love your work...until they have to pay for it.

I've been a published author for a little over a year now, and I must's a lot of hard work, sweat, sleepless nights, and tears...but I love it. Unfortunately, I have yet to write the book that allows me to quit my daytime job and become a writer full time, so everyday, aside from my job as a wife and mom, I have to hit the time clock at my, not-so-exciting job as a cashier, because it pays the bills. 

Which brings me to the reason for this post. Yes, writing is my second gig. Anything that you do that earns you money, is a job. Writing for me, is a JOB! Something that I devote hours and hours to, when I'd much rather have my feet kicked up, watching tv, or hanging out with my husband and's something I put serious thought, effort, and hard work into (when I don't have writer's block, a*k*a*- procrastinating by checking my social media). A lot goes into the process of writing a book, from the time I come up with a story idea in my head, develop characters, dialogue, etc. etc...then begin the task of typing it all up until it becomes a book. That can mean typing entire pages of material, then deciding I want to go another route, so I delete pages and pages of work, only to re-write it. As dreadful as this is, I don't mind, beause in the end when my readers tell me how much they loved my book, it's all worth it. Then, after all the writing and re-writing is done, I have to have it edited, hire a graphics designer to come up with an awesome book cover, and pay to have the book published into print and shipped to me. 

With that being said, not only am I spending a lot of time on my books, I'm coming up out of pocket, spending quite a few coins, so I can hand the finished product to you to read and enjoy. So, please stop asking and expecting me to hand you these books for FREE, after so much has gone into publishing a book. It's no different than you going to your job and you forget to clock in when you get there- after you've worked the whole day, only then do you realize you never punched the time clock at the beginning of your shift. After all the hard work you've put in, you wanna be paid, right? Well, so do authors. 

We live in a society where people want something for nothing. In the book world, so many authors have started pricing books at $0.99, whether it's a marketing ploy, or as lesser known authors often do, price them this low to gain a little more exposure and readers. Whatever the reason, readers have gotten spoiled and expect 200-300 page books to be priced at $0.99, if not FREE. I am a firm believer that people pay for what they really want to pay for. As an avid reader, it's nothing for me to pay $14.00-$15.00 for a book...if I really want it bad enough. I used to be in Black Expressions Book Club, where all they offered were hardback books, and they weren't cheap. But, I didn't care, if I wanted it, I bought it. If you want a pair of Nikes, Jordan's, or Louboutin's bad enough, you'll buy them, no matter how expensive. So, why is it a problem to pay an author more than $0.99 for a book? 

I donated several of my books to the public library, which is how a lot of people found out about my books. But, I also keep a box of paperback books in my car, always ready to get my hustle on just in case I come across a potential reader who may want one. What I'm usually met with is, "I read your books, and I just love your work; such and such book was soooo good; when does the next one come out?" When I respond that I have other books that aren't in the library, but they can order them on Amazon or I have paperbacks available now if they want one, I'm given the response, "Oh...well, maybe I'll check them out another time," before they walk away. HUH? They just got done telling me how much they enjoyed the FREE books I offered in the library, but when I say I have other books for $5.00, their whole demeanor changes and they walk away faster than I can blink. It's not that they can't pay $5.00 for a book, they just don't WANT to.

Well, just like you don't find the idea of working for free appealing, neither do I. It's the story of my life- people have always taken my kindness as a sign of weakness. Sorry, not sorry- but being nice to people doesn't feed my family or pay my bills. I may not be a New York Times Bestselling author- YET- but I'm an author, just the same, and I can't afford to write for free. I get all kinds of excuses from people as to why they can't pay me for my books...usually after I've already handed it to them. Now, I've gotten smarter, until I see money and it's in my hand, my book stays in the car. I love and appreciate everyone who reads work, I just need y'all to love and appreciate me enough to pay me for it. Please & Thank You! 

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