Monday, October 20, 2014

Race For The Cure 2014

This weekend, I attended the Race For The Cure-  events in Texarkana, AR for the 3rd year in a row with my sister and her daughters. She was missing one of her beautiful girls- her oldest daughter- who is in the ARMY doing her thing and making her mama proud. I'm not a morning person and I hate getting out of bed early when I don't have to, but this was for a great cause, so I didn't complain. I was shocked that my son (in the photos above) actually woke up and joined us for the cause this year. My daughter...not so much. She opted to go stay with her dad while we walked and let me tell you, three miles is not a long distance-unless you're not used to walking (which I am not).
My sister and friends of mine often tease me for finding a short-cut along the way, but I am proud to say that this year, I didn't take a detour to make it to the finish line faster (not really). My sister is a jogger/health fanatic, so it's hard keeping up with her sometimes, but I didn't fall too far behind and when I did, my son grabbed my hand and helped (more like dragged) me along. 
It's always great seeing so many people out supporting a good cause and as always, it was lot's of fun. It's become sort of a tradition that our reward for walking is breakfast at IHOP afterwards. My youngest niece kept encouraging me along so we could hurry up and get to the pancakes (HILARIOUS).
I struggled through the first year, but because I did get up and go to the gym a few times (emphasis on FEW)  over the past few months and got on the treadmill, I didn't have any issues walking this time, other than when we walked up a hill and that slowed me down.
All in all, it was a lot of fun and I can't wait to do it all again next year. 

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