Thursday, July 16, 2015

Why Future Is The King of Bitchassness...

Okay, I've been out of the dating game for about eight years now, and a lot of men were just too exhausting to deal with back when I was still single and looking, so I would imagine that it's only gotten worse. We all know there are still some good intelligent, black men out there, but sometimes it's hard as hell to get to them. Women have to kiss a lot of frogs to finally get a prince, and even then, we hope we won't look over one day and find a creepy, slimy toad where the man we married used to lay. But, even though I haven't been in the game, I still talk to single women, and read what they post on social media, and it seems that the men in the dating pool have only gotten worse... and by worse, I mean they have turned into whiny, petty, immature little boys, which is where the prase bitchassness comes in.

I first heard Diddy use this term on his show, Making The Band, and didn't really think much about it; but here lately, every time I look on social media and see yet another interview where Future is still talking about Ciara, that's the only phrase that comes to mind. 

So, in case you don't know the story,  I'll try to give a brief recap: Future was the love interest in Ciara's video, Body Party (the video where she did the sexy strip tease routine in front of him, rolling around and gyrating all over the floor) So, as with most famous folks, they fell in lust on set, and began sleeping together. At first, I thought they were a cute couple, until I learned that Future already had three other chirren, by three different women. This obviously didn't bother Ciara, as she became baby mama number four a short time later. Now, they were supposed to be getting married (because something about B.M. *baby mama* number four had Future supposedly wanting to settle down). All the B.M.'s were even posing for family photos together, with claims that they all got along with each other, and were one big happy family...kind of like some Sister Wives ish. Then, as suddenly as the engagement was announced, it was called off by Ciara, after she learned that Future had cheated on her, although I'm not sure if it was with one of the three prior B.M.'s or future B.M. number five. Anyway, Ciara was heartbroken (although most people felt she shouldn't have been shocked at all), as she was now the newest member of the Single Mom's Club. Even though she definitely should have known, I still felt sorry for her, because I too fell for a few wannabe bad boys back in the day, only to end up looking stupid in the end. So, I rooted for her to bounce back, and maybe find herself another man that would treat her right, because all women over the age of thirty-five once lived by the philosophy that 'there's no better way to get over one man, than to get under another one.' Okay!!!

So, now that you're caught up on the Future/Ciara love scandal, it seems Ciara lives by this philosophy too, because she didn't waste any time finding her a new man. Before we could even finish speculating on exactly who Future cheated and probably impregnated next, Ciara rolled up to the White House States Dinner on the arm of Russell Wilson- cute, NFL player for the Seattle Seahawks, 2013 Superbowl winner & 2014 Superbowl contender, Russell Wilson- definitely an upgrade from Future- the talentLESS rapper/wannabe thug. People were cheering for Ciara like she'd played the game of chess with Future, and was when she won the match, she gave face like, 'checkmate bitch,' as she posed for photos with her new beau, Russell. And in typical, bitchass fashion, Future is NOT happy about it.

Ever since it was announced that Russell and Ciara are indeed a couple, Future can't shut up about her. First, he went on and on about how he didn't care that she'd moved on and upgraded- even though he cared enough to make that statement. Next, he did an interview with @MarcLamontHill, where he talked about their sex life after he was asked what he thought about the fact that Russell and Ciara have made the decision to wait until they're married to have sex. Rather than avoid the question, he had to put it out there that Ciara hadn't minded doing the nasty with him...before they were married, in that douchebaggy way...letting it be known they had a sex life, and seemingly mocking the fact that Russell chooses to wait. As if that wasn't bad enough, now he's playing the ultimate bitchass card: complaining about the fact that Russell was seen pushing his and Ciara's son's stroller one day when they were out. If this boy don't get somewhere and sit his ass down. Future got fifty-eleven chirren, he doesn't give a damn about that...he just wants to have something to bitch about in regards to Ciara...the girl he cheated on, so he can stay relevant, while at the same time, hopefully drum up enough publicity so people will buy his next wack album. 

I've seen things like this on tv before (i.e Ray J and the fact that every time he needs to become relevant again, he brings up his sex tape with Kim Kardashian) Hell, I've even dealt with it in my own life. Men HATE to see a woman move on before they do, and especially with someone with more class, better looks, and more money than he has, and that's Future's problem. I'm sure he's screwed a few THOT's- during and after his relationship with Ciara- but he still can't stand the fact that rather than go get some random guy who probably only wanted to see what she was like in bed, she got a GOOD MAN- one who went on record saying he'd wait until they married to have sex. Now, I personally think that all bedroom talk shouldn't be the media or the public's business, but the key words Russell used were "after we get married" meaning, there's a possibility that it could happen one day. Whether his relationship with Ciara is real or a publicity stunt (as some people believe it to be, mainly Wendy Williams) Russell seems to be quite smitten with him some CiCi, and it's making Future roll around on the floor, throwing a temper tantrum, like the immature child that he is- BITCHASSNESS!!!!!

I've always known that men like to gossip about what they do in bed with their women with their homies, and it may or may not be the whole truth by the time the story gets told; hell, women kiss & tell sometimes, too. But, when you start telling any and everybody who will listen about your sex life with someone, especially when it's on national television and after the relationship is over and the person has moved on, it makes you look bitter, spiteful, and stalkerish. As Wendy Williams likes to say, nobody's checking for these pathetic men, and they weren't relevant until they got with a woman who was. And nobody was checking for Future or his wack music, until he got with Ciara. Ray J. was and still is a nobody, but that sex tape with Kim will always get him a little attention, whenever it's brought up. Nick Cannon had his own coins before he married Mariah, I'll give him that; but he mentions her name so much on Wild'n Out, he acts like making jokes and wisecracks about her is the only way to make people pay attention to him, because we love us some Mariah, dahhling! 

All of this makes me wonder, what happened to the real men? It's like they're becoming extinct, a dying breed. Between reading up on the relationships of the rich, famous, and wannabe famous, and listening to girlfriends talk about how hard it is finding a half-way decent man these days, I'll forever be single if I ever get a divorce, because I simply can't and won't deal with the bitchassness from these boys. I'm sure in the time it took me to write this post, Future has done yet another interview about Ciara. He's not fooling me at all. He knows what he's doing- he's hoping that all the interviews and comments he keeps making about Ciara, will eventually cause a rift between her and Russell..because most men would rather leave a woman, than to deal with crazy ex-boyfriend/husband drama, even if he really likes her. The whole, "she shouldn't have Russell around my child," is just another way to try to control her...

I just hope Ciara doesn't fall for it. That's the oldest trick in the book, and pathetic losers like Future know that if he plays that card, it'll make Ciara feel bad about moving forward with her relationship with Russell. I only pray she doesn't fall for it. Ciara girl, I know you're not reading this, but in the unlikely event that you are, don't fall for it. The minute you dump Russell, or he leaves you because of this, Future has won. He'll be on his merry little way with B.M. number 8, 9, 10, while you're old and alone. Live your life, girl because you had no real future with your sperm donor.

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