Tuesday, April 14, 2015


This month, Time magazine discusses #BlackLivesMatter and the debate on racism and law enforcement after 50 year old, unarmed Walter Scott was shot and killed by a white police officer. His death was caught on video by a bystander, who recorded the incident on his cell phone. In the video, Scott is seen fleeing his car after a traffic stop. The officer fires 8 shots, hitting Scott in the back. His excuse? Scott was reaching for his taser, and he felt threatened. Luckily, the video taken by the bystander contradicts everything the officer claimed happened, even showing him throwing said taser beside the victim, who lay face-down, taking his last breaths, then the officer going back over to pick the taser up. Even more disgusting, the black police officer who watched him do this, and said nothing, while roughly handcuffing a man who had been shot in the back lay dying; backing his lies up in his police report.

I am so sick and tired of police getting away with murdering black men, especially, using the excuse that they feel threatened. If you can't handle a suspect without always having to draw your weapon, perhaps you should choose another career. Yes, I know there are good officers who put their lives on the line everyday to protect the public, but the dirty cops are making it very hard to appreciate any officer of the law, even the good one's. I used to always feel a sense of safety whenever a police officer was around, but these days, that feeling of safety has been replaced by fear for myself, my husband, and especially, my 16 year old son. When the people who have taken an oath to protect and serve, are now who you have to fear the most, there is a serious problem. 

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